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Friday, June 23, 2017

Red Notice by Bill Browder

    Bill Browder has written a fascinating, personal book telling of his experience working as hedge fund financial operator during the wild and wooly aftermath of the fall of the USSR.  In his autobiography, Red Notice, Browder shines a bright light on the politically corrupt oligarchs who raced in to establish themselves as the powerful rulers of the re-established country of Russia.  These greedy and ruthless men were not interested in sharing their "golden cow" with anyone.  However, Browder understood the financial boon that was available and was able to rise to the top of this financial world by crafty schemes of his own.  Unfortunately, he eventually realized he was on the top of the hit list of the most powerful oligarch of all, Vladimir Putin.  After nearly being thrown into jail in Russia, Browder instead had his visa revoked and was removed from Russia, his company and his loyal employees.  With quick actions he was able to withdraw or remove his financial assets and his employees before they were detained by the authorities or at least he thought so.  Again unfortunately, the corrupt system was "bigger and badder" than he realized.  After falsely accusing Browder of tax evasion, Putin and his lackeys filed a suit trying to force Browder to return millions of dollars to Russia.  Having been forced out of the country, Browder was only able to fight this clearly illegal action by using the services of his lawyer Sergi Magnitsky.  Tragically, this legal battle led to the arrest of Magnitsky and eventually to his torture and death while in the custody of Putin's regime.  At this point in Browder's memoir his focus changed.  He became a crusader for human rights and a fighter of rulers like Putin whose government is nothing more than a kleptocracy--a rule by thieves.
    Considering the constant and repeated claims of Russian collusion and interference in our political affairs, this book was eye opening and clearly revealed the corruption and depravity in the Russian government.  Browder was doggedly determined to force judgment on the people who killed his friend. Because of this determination, his story is a powerful example of the importance for all of us to stand up for what is right.  But in order to do that we must be informed which is just what Red Notice was intended to do.  It may read like a Grisham thriller, but with its factual content, it enlightens all of us.  Browder gave us an engrossing look at the "real world" and in the process he educates us about one of the most dangerous men on the planet, Vladimir Putin.