Horizon movie/Kevin Costner
Plot lines
1. The land scams/land sold in the east that is not really owned by the seller. Horizon land grants are set on the Apache river crossing area. Had it been settled 10 miles north or south, the Apache might have let it be.
2. Characters to keep track of: Costner/Hardy, Mary, widow and daughter, townsmen who are hunting Indians/scalps, wagon train captain, German stalker,English couple/artist of the west, Sikes family/bad guys, Apache mountain chief and adopted son who speak English, Apache war party and their leader, military lieutenant and widow,
3. Story lines: settlers/Indians, townsfolk and merchants, prostitutes and children, unscrupulous land dealers, military actions
4. Symbols and themes: abandoned Spanish mission, original 3 crosses, star-crossed love, difficulty of living conditions, rape of the Indian animal and wildlife area, death and dying
I really liked the movie. At the end of 3 hours, we all felt it had seemed much shorter time had passed. However, the questions we left with were many: why did the movie jump from storyline to storyline so much. (It was really tricky to keep up.) Time jumped forward too with little explanation. Had years passed or months or just days? Who were some of the people we saw just for a brief scene and how did they connect to the entirety of the story?
My hope is that chapters 2-4 will tie it all together.
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